Plane Stupid Scotland shuts Aberdeen airport – updated

protest ended update – see below main article ::: 3rd March – Nine young protesters from the climate action group Plane Stupid Scotland have this morning shut down Aberdeen airport by setting up a golf course on the taxiway. They have surrounded themselves with fortified security fencing whilst another group are occupying the roof of the terminal building and have unfurled a banner reading, “Nae Trump Games with Climate Change”.

Aberdeen airport fence cuttingPlane Stupid Scotland shuts Aberdeen airportprotest ended update – see below main article ::: 3rd March – Nine young protesters from the climate action group Plane Stupid Scotland have this morning shut down Aberdeen airport by setting up a golf course on the taxiway. They have surrounded themselves with fortified security fencing whilst another group are occupying the roof of the terminal building and have unfurled a banner reading, “Nae Trump Games with Climate Change”.

The peaceful protest began at 02.15am this morning whilst the runway was closed. Plane Stupid aims to prevent the scheduled reopening of the runway at 5am. The group intends to maintain its blockade for as long as possible to prevent the release of thousands of tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere.

Photos available for download and media on our Flickr site: All photos licensed under Creative Commons.

The activists entered the runway by cutting the fence and scaled the roof climbing ladders. Dressed as Donald Trump, sporting wigs and golfing attire, with crazy golf clubs and balls, the group are ‘putting’ on the tarmac. The banner on the fencing erected by the group reads “Plane Stupid Scotland Golf Open 2009”.

Donald Trump is supporting the expansion of Aberdeen airport where his super-rich friends will arrive to play golf on his controversial golf course. BAA Aberdeen said they welcome Donald Trump’s Golf Course. Like Alex Salmond, Trump wants to bulldoze over democratic opposition to environmentally damaging projects like airport expansion. Both Trump and BAA’s plans face fierce local opposition.

One of the activists on the taxiway, Jonny Agnew, 22, from Edinburgh, said:

“We have been failed by the generation of Donald Trump and Alex Salmond. Despite a catalogue of scientific reports warning them that they can’t keep on with aviation growth – even if that hinders their ability to jet in for a weekend of golf – they continue with disregard for all of us, who will end up dealing with the impacts of the climate crisis.”

He added:

“The reality is that our generation’s future is vanishing so that people like Donald Trump and his super-rich friends can jet into Aberdeen for a round of golf. The expansion of this airport just cannot go ahead.”

Another, 24 year old Tilly Gifford, a social worker from Glasgow, said:

“Alex Salmond wants to let the Spanish shareholders of BAA, Donald Trump and his super-rich American friends concrete over Scotland and its efforts to stop runaway climate change.”

She added:

“Arctic ice is melting, the sea is already rising and experts warn the world’s rainforests could collapse. Our generation is already starting to feel these impacts as the warming kicks in so it’s obvious that it’s going to need to be us that urgently puts the brakes on expanding unnecessary airports.”

The campaigners chose to close Aberdeen after the Scottish government gave its backing to the expansion of capacity at the airport by 1.5 million passengers by 2015. Aviation is Britain’s fastest growing source of emissions, already amounting to at least 13% of the UK’s climate emissions.

With plans in the Scottish government’s ‘National Planning Framework’ for growth at Scottish airports including Glasgow, Edinburgh and Aberdeen – as well as Heathrow and Stansted – experts from the Tyndall Centre for climate research say aviation policy alone will scupper any chance the UK has of hitting its climate targets.

25 year old Dan Glass, a community worker from Glasgow, said:

“We’re here to say it cannot happen, and our generation won’t let it happen. The scientists tell us we’ve got seven years to make emissions peak then drop, and if we fail, the people on this runway and their entire generation, and our children, willl live with the consequences. That’s why we’re doing this.”

For more information/interviews:

Dan on 07507085963
Katie on 07786381674

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Seven members of the campaign group Plane Stupid were detained at about 0820 GMT after releasing themselves.

Two other protesters, who remained on the roof of the main terminal building, were detained later.

The protest began at about 0300 GMT. There were no flights to or from the airport until after 0900 GMT.

BBC video

At 09.30am Plane Stupid Scotland’s protest at Aberdeen airport has come to a close after six hours. The eleven people, including local residents that this morning breached the airport fence have now been arrested.

The protesters were told by police to dismantle their peaceful protest because the taxiway they were secured to was needed by an emergency helicopter. A baby apparently required urgent treatment, and any other approach would cause delays. Obviously the safety of the public was of paramount concern to the activists and so they duly removed themselves.

Plane Stupid has subsequently spoken to both the Accident and Emergency unit of Aberdeen hospital, and its press department. They were unaware of any transfers requested by air this morning. Not only that, but spokesperson Lesley Middleton said:

“We have our own helipad which we use in emergencies. Of course you can’t anticipate what may happen, but in all my years of working here I can’t think of a time when we’ve used Aberdeen airport. The only circumstances I can imagine where we’d need to get access to the area would be if there was an accident at the airport.”

The protesters are now looking into the conduct of the police and are considering making a complaint.

Plane Stupid Scotland has, during the last week of National Planning Framework consultation, effectively shed light on the illogical expansion plans. At a time of economic recession and looming climate crisis Scotland has the opportunity to be at the forefront of a secure and sustainable future and to take a strong position to tackle climate change. They also linked the plans for airport expansion with the current development’s of Donald Trump’s Golf Course in Aberdeenshire.

Katie Morrison, from the group Plane Stupid Scotland said:

“It is unnecessary to expand Aberdeen airport as 58% of flights are domestic and could be replaced with high speed rail link. We ask that the government stop playing around with big business and start winning the race against runaway climate change. Trump’s golf course and our governments planned expansion will concrete over Scottish democracy.”

The activists were in high spirits as they removed themselves from the airport but general feeling was of annoyance at the underhanded tactics used by the police which lured the protesters in and took advantage of their caring nature.

The activists are currently being held in custody in Inverurie and are being charged with breach of the peace. It is likely that they will be appearing in court tomorrow morning, all support is welcome and will be greatly appreciated.

We will inform you of any updates as they happen. Good work Plane Stupid Scotland, time to celebrate another successful action.