Call for support for squatted island on Thames – come visit & use

Due to the need for urgent environmental action. We have occupied an island in The Thames.

In these times of rising tides and melting ice shelves, we thought we should get a bit closer to studying the watery world and its rise.

Raven's AitDue to the need for urgent environmental action. We have occupied an island in The Thames.

In these times of rising tides and melting ice shelves, we thought we should get a bit closer to studying the watery world and its rise.

Ravens Ait Island is a unique wedding and conference centre with halls, many rooms, (opposite Hampton Court). Which we are transforming into an Eco Conference Centre. Come visit, help, book in to run a skill sharing workshop and put it on the timetable. Network it.

There will be an ongoing discussion here “how do we find SOLUTIONS to the environmentally critical situation we face?”

The situation we face along with all the species of the planet.

Ravens Ait Island, Portsmouth Road, Surbiton, Surrey KT6 4HN. Opposite Catherine’s Road, Kingston British Rail or Surbiton BR. (From Kingston BR turn right to Kingston Bridge, turn left at beginning of bridge and walk down Thames footpath on the same side as Kingston BR for 10 minutes untl you reach London River Yacht Club.

You will see the Island Ring us on 07769 791 387 or 07900 800 055 or 07964672922 to let us know you are coming and to arrange a boat to pick you up.

We need responsible and organised people to help set this up as an Eco Conference Centre, please get in touch as soon as possible if you can help in any way.

For Latest Info go to or Facebook group or person: Ravens ait

WE network Agenda 21 a blueprint for a sustainable 21st century.
We want to focus on solutions to be networked up to the Copenhagen Summit,Ref “the AGE of Stupid”-(film see it). probably one of the most important meetings in human history.

We have just been to court got a possession order but are appealing we need many people to come and save this historic piece of common land that the council want to flog off to developers.
We need networkers, gardeners, builders, designers, climbers, media, grafters, poets, musicians, students, skillsharers of all variety,youngsters oldsters and all sorts to make a rainbow. As soon as possible.

Keep networking for a sustainable future

Lots more info & films at our website.