Shell to Sea Good Friday Walk ends with net removal after battle with Shell security.

Shell to Sea supporters on the annual Good Friday Walk, walked to Glengad beach this morning to take action in defence of their community and environment by removing nets over the cliff face in the Special Area of Conservation, despite a battle with Shell Security.

Glengad bannerShell to Sea supporters on the annual Good Friday Walk, walked to Glengad beach this morning to take action in defence of their community and environment by removing nets over the cliff face in the Special Area of Conservation, despite a battle with Shell Security.

Today, the traditional Good Friday walk took place in both Glengad and Rossport. Over 150 people attended in total. The first walk ended at the site of the Shell compound in Glengad. The group walked together to the Glengad cliff-face and removed netting, recently erected by Shell, intended to stop Sand Martins nesting in the area. This is the eighth time the netting has been removed in the last two weeks by local residents.
Crossing Glengad gate
Although Eamon Ryan only signed the final consents for work at Glengad yesterday, there were already over 40 security personnel present on the site. They were wearing dark, military-style clothing with no visible identification badges. In scenes reminiscent of last year at Glengad, they used excessive force in dealing with the group, which included elderly people and children.
Glengad standoff
For around 45 minutes the group attempted to remove the net and the security attempted to stop them … Eventually, a pair of scissors was produced and the net was cut in two. After, everyone left together; there were no arrests.

Glengad tug-o-war
The action taken today is a demonstration of resistance to come if Shell attempt to recommence work in Glengad.