Recent actions at Tara, Eire

planned action went ahead on monday 20.4.09 at the ardsallagh bridge project at the boyne… protestors entered site immediatly stopping all work but this did not last for long as within only five minutes the guards and nine jeeps from M3 workers had arrived on site. it was a total set up.

Standing on a dumper-truck at Taraplanned action went ahead on monday 20.4.09 at the ardsallagh bridge project at the boyne… protestors entered site immediatly stopping all work but this did not last for long as within only five minutes the guards and nine jeeps from M3 workers had arrived on site. it was a total set up. perhaps this is proof of phone monitoring. protestors retreated to the public road where a blockade situation quickly unfolded. this stand off lasted well in excess of an hour as M3 workers had gardai investigate some ‘bent steel’ all activists were questioned all names were taken, meanwhile M3 workers continue to block public road infuriating locals. after all was said and done the guards escorted us back to the hill and waited in the carpark at maguires eating the tara special…

enjoy the video


Fancy dress digger-diving, 25.3.09 – video


Action 3.3.09 video


action 12.2.09
THE NEXT DAY OF ACTION for Tara, this wednesday 18th feb. Meeting tuesday night
at Vigil Farm, for actions early and all day wednesday.
Come prepared – bring sleeping bag, torch, waterproof warm clothes, cameras,
banners, costumes, musical instruments etc etc

*All welcome, please tell literally everyone. Protests cannot continue
unless we have the numbers to support us.
If you cannot make it on wednesday but would like to help out, we need help
Press releases
Banner making materials
Anything else you thing that could be helpful!
Tara is calling, the days are getting longer and warmer. Protesting is
great craic, it’s never to late for TARA

Video of dangerous digger-diving action, 29.1.09

Protests continue…see youtube for more past actions…