Rossport: 150 people attempt to take down Shell’s compound

On Saturday 9th May approx 150 S2S supporters both from across the country and within the local community have made a sustained effort to halt the ongoing work at the head of the proposed Shell pipeline at its site in Glengad. People of all ages particpated in the action, where ropes and chains where used to attempt to pull down the outer fencing of the site.

On Saturday 9th May approx 150 S2S supporters both from across the country and within the local community have made a sustained effort to halt the ongoing work at the head of the proposed Shell pipeline at its site in Glengad. People of all ages particpated in the action, where ropes and chains where used to attempt to pull down the outer fencing of the site. These effort have so far been repulsed by a very large security operation from both the state and private security firm IRM security. There is in excess of 150 garda, incuding the notorious public order units. Most are posted and lined out at the outside rear of the compound, complimented on the inside by a further 100 hired hands IRM Security

At present there have been some “arrests ” of supporters at tonight action so far. Figures at present range from 6-8. These people are being physically detained but the cops are refusing to officially arrest them, or at least refusing to comment publically that the arrests have been made, and won’t tell observers which Garda station those detained are being taken to. Garda seem to be deliberate targeting people from outside the local area, and avoiding arresting local members of the community. It has been suggested that this make much better media coverage, no doubt some of which we will see in tomorrow papers. There is a prison van, the type used to carry prisonsers to court, inside the compound where Shell and security staff work. Whilst there is movement of cops in and out of the van, it is unclear if people are being detained in it at the moment.

The situation has been described by one supporter as calm, though there are continung skirmishes as people attempt to disrupt the ongoing controversial and devisive work being carried out by Shell againist the wishes of the local community.