Rossport Solidarity activists board supply ship to Solitaire in Killybegs

Today Shell to sea protestors broke through a weak spot in the armada deployed to defend the Solitaire – the supply port in Killybegs. One S2S activist occupied a tyre at side of Shell ship in Killybegs.

Boarded ship activist in tyreToday Shell to sea protestors broke through a weak spot in the armada deployed to defend the Solitaire – the supply port in Killybegs. One S2S activist occupied a tyre at side of Shell ship in Killybegs. The Solitaire whilst being an enormous ship is dependent on a constant flow of ships bringing supplies from Killybegs in Donegal.

This morning seven kayakers paddled out to the ship, the Toisa Independent, which was being loaded with a fresh batch of pipes for the Solitaire. With very little security the seven paddled up to the boat and as we speak one of the Kayakers is blocking the ship from departing after climbing aboard.

After a weekend where the Sunday papers carried on the usual barrage against Shell to Sea with many claiming the campaign to be over Shell to Sea answered back in style today. The past fortnight saw the Erris area occupied by 200 Shell’s private security IRMS, 300 Gardai (including 150 public order units), the navy backed up by a helicopter and an aeroplane. Todays actions have shown the campaign is far from over

This week sees the state harrasment and intimidation of the campaign step up a gear with over two dozen Shell to sea protestors being hauled before the courts on trumped up charges. But the fight continues!

Shell to Sea demonstration6th July 2009
This afternoon seven Shell to Sea activists in kayaks visited the Toisa Independent, which supplies pipe to the Solitaire, a vessel used by Shell to lay the Corrib gas pipeline. The Solitaire, which left Broadhaven Bay (1) yesterday after laying the first section of pipe for the project, has been the target of several actions recently in the continual campaign against Shell. (2) Despite Shell’s increasingly heavy handed response to protests, Shell to Sea activist’s have continued their fight.

Niall Harnett, speaking from the protest in Killybegs today said “We demand that this port stops supporting the Corrib gas project which is destroying the lives of the people in Erris. There has been much misinformation about the Corrib gas pipeline in the media, as campaigners continue to protest in order to bring a halt to this unsafe project which threatens the homes and livelihoods of many in the local area”. The pipeline would carry unprocessed gas across the region to the refinery at Bellanaboy. (4)

Harnett continued “We are also acting in protest against the theft of Ireland’s natural resources. At a time when unemployment levels are set to reach record numbers and the government attacks ordinary people with levies taxes and pay cuts it is obscene that Shell are allowed to steal billions of euro’s of our resources.” (5)

St.John O Donobhain, also on the protest, said. “Shell’s attempts to pretend the Corrib project is a done-deal is misleading. This is project is unjust, illegal, and immoral. It will fail.”