Come visit Faslane Peace Camp this summer (stay forever…)

it’s summer, come help stop the war machine!!

it’s summer, come help stop the war machine!!

Has been a quiet summer so far up ere at peace camp. And we wondering where you all are? Got a few residents off doing other projects for a while, so some solidarity would be much appreciated. Even if you can only visit for a day or so. If you’ve not been before please visit. We can accommodate you, help with actions, protests or even just come to chill.

Weekly vigil every wed at 4pm outside north gate.

Work weekend coming soon.



Faslane Peace Camp is in dire need of people,

At the moment all residents except one are defending land elsewhere in the country the camp is being manned with only one resident who is quickly losing it!!

This is a call out for people to move here or visit as often as they can, we are afraid to say that if the camp stays practically empty for much longer we will have to close.

The main purpose as i can see it of the camp is to be a base for direct action against nuclear weapons and related issues, if the camp is not being used by peace activist for its intended purpose i see little point in lots of time and energy being spent.

The current peace campers are tired and unable to continue with the upkeep of the entire site without new energy. Please make your contribution to the 27 year old site, none of us want to see the end of such a historic place.