Saving Iceland Closes Nature Killer’s Offices

July 28 2009
Last night Saving Iceland closed the offices of companies and institutions that are heavily responsible for extreme destruction of nature. Super-glue was put in to the locks and signs put up saying: “Closed because of destruction of nature!” Locksmiths had to be called to open the doors when workers showed up in the morning.

July 28 2009
Last night Saving Iceland closed the offices of companies and institutions that are heavily responsible for extreme destruction of nature. Super-glue was put in to the locks and signs put up saying: “Closed because of destruction of nature!” Locksmiths had to be called to open the doors when workers showed up in the morning.

The companies and institutions that were targeted have all shown their determined criminal will against Icelandic nature and don’t stop at anything in their search for an easy financial growth and favorable contracts, even with companies who have scandalous history. These companies should have been closed long time ago to prevent more destruction to take place.

The following companies and institutions were targeted: the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Environment, who have cleared the way for heavy industry here in Iceland; ÍSTAK (construction company), which takes care of most of the earth destruction that has to take place before test drills and the construction of heavy industry related buildings; Jarðboranir (Earth Drilling), which owns the drills that are used for geothermal drilling all over the country; and HRV (engineering company), which does most of the Environmental Impact Assessments for heavy industry projects as well as taking a big part in designing the infrastructures connected to heavy industry.

Saving Iceland also closed an office shed on one of ÍAV’s (construction company) construction areas in Reykjavík, but the company is now busy with building Century’s aluminium smelter in Helguvík.