Anti-nuclear Camp in Lecce – Italy

Italy – Lecce


In the context of the social and environmental resistance, typical of the popular struggles in Italy, a series of experiences, subjectivities and collectivities emerged in the Autumn of 2008 in opposition to the government project to restart the Civil Nuclear programme.

Italy – Lecce


In the context of the social and environmental resistance, typical of the popular struggles in Italy, a series of experiences, subjectivities and collectivities emerged in the Autumn of 2008 in opposition to the government project to restart the Civil Nuclear programme.

Although a decade of grassrots struggles and the referendum of 1987 led to the closing of power stations and the nuclear programme, on 2th july 2009 the Camera (italian parliament) approved the “DDL Sviluppo-pacchetto anticrisi” that contains the reopening of nuclear power stations. In the next 6 months, the government will announce the sites, declared of “strategic-military interest”, in order to avoid clashes with Local Authorities: a open declaration of war against the population!

After one year of meetings and public initiatives, that gave birth to the National Anti-Nuclear Coordination health-environment-energy , the Pugliese Coordination is organizing a resistance camp, in August in Salento, convivial days of “pizzica” folk music and dedication to the cause. The Pugliese Coordination was set up in 1985 to fight nuclear installations in Puglia, and other parts of Italy. Already, even before Cernobyl, in 1985, the movement was rejecting the nuclear in Puglia.

The resistance camp will take place from 20th to 23rd of August in the “Masseria Fattezze”, 2km away from Ionio sea/Cesareo seaport: this period also sees the “Notte della Taranta”, that takes place in various parts of Salento, finishing the 22th of August in Melpignano.
We have choosen this site, a well know cultural reference in Salento, because it wont cost to you to enter, but it will cost 5 euros per day and there’s a kitchen that will cook tipical salentine food.

The resistance camp will basically focus on nuclear energy and fossil-fuels, but will be also discuss other issues on the autumnal political agenda: the crisis, precariety and incomes, racism, “major-works” from the TAV to the Bridge over the Straits, from motorways to drilling, from incinerators to regassificators, so all that kind of things that are the continuity of a model that has left only death and destruction over the territories.

The camp will also focus on the International situation, particularly on the liberation struggle in Palestine, Kurdistan, Nigeria.

The general programme is:

Thursday 20th August
6:00pm Introduction to the camp, and about current situations
7:30pm International overview

Friday 21th August
6:00pm Crisis: Work, precariety, income
7:30pm Common goods – regional energy plan

Saturday 22nd August
6:00pm Anti-nuclear assembly and energy choices

Sunday 23rd August
6:00pm “Field-trip” on the nuclear selected site, in Avetrana
9:00pm Party with Salentine music

Pugliese Coordination / National Anti-Nuclear Coordination health-environment-energy
tel. 0039368582406