Eco-Anarchists Attack Luxury Car in Guadalajara, Mexico

In the early morning hours of August 18 our cell once again decided to attack the machines which destroy the planet and its inhabitants; this time our protest was against the automobile, and why do it if not to luxury cars.

In the early morning hours of August 18 our cell once again decided to attack the machines which destroy the planet and its inhabitants; this time our protest was against the automobile, and why do it if not to luxury cars.


“Arson attack on a luxury car by eco-anarchists in Guadalajara, Mexico

In the early morning hours of August 18 our cell once again decided to attack the machines which destroy the planet and its inhabitants; this time our protest was against the automobile, and why do it if not to luxury cars. We entered a bourgeois area of our city and we set fire to the front tires of a luxury car; unfortunately the fire did not spread because of the rain; it only melted the tires, but it created a psychological fear in all those who choose to invest their money and spend it in the destruction of our planet.We will return to destroy their machines!


Source: ELF Press Office