Naked Protest at Oil Conference

On the first day of Offshore Europe Exhibition 2009, Tuesday 8th September, at the world’s second largest oil conference, , two climate change protesters shocked visitors with a naked protest.

On the first day of Offshore Europe Exhibition 2009, Tuesday 8th September, at the world’s second largest oil conference, , two climate change protesters shocked visitors with a naked protest.

The aim of the protest was to expose the naked truth of the contradictions between Scotland’s climate change policy and its continued oil exploration and production, and to highlight Scotland’s potential to lead the way on alternative energies.

The protesters undressed, covered themselves in an oil-like substance and displayed a banner reading ‘Climate Stinkers Uncovered’. They then walked through the entire exhibition to smiles, laughs and camera flashes from the other attendees. The protest was cut short by a group of security guards who encircled the protesters.

One of the protesters, Tilly Gifford, 23, said ‘Scotland is committed to 80% emissions cuts, but oil is wrecking our climate’.

Young artist and activist, Louis Galloway, 25, shouted ‘Without real cuts to oil consumption, the Scottish Climate Bill is nothing more than the Emperor’s New Clothes’.

An Aberdeen Police inspector, Dave Chambers, commented, ‘these were not the actions of normal human beings’.

The protesters were arrested and held overnight in the central Aberdeen police station. Both will appear in the Aberdeen Sheriff Court on Wednesday morning (today).