European Food Standards Authority – stop gmo protest

october 23, Parma (Italy)

A protest for a new start in the struggle against the “world genetic order” and against GMO entry in Europe.

Biohazard (red)october 23, Parma (Italy)

A protest for a new start in the struggle against the “world genetic order” and against GMO entry in Europe.

During the morning some activists chained themselves on the roof of the EFSA building. EFSA is the European food safety authority and the action has been done to underline its role in GMO invasion of Europe; just in these days EFSA is authorizing MON810 maize (Monsanto) and RICELL62 (Bayer).

Activists unrolled a big banner with the writing “NO GMO, NO EFSA”. Twenty people meanwhile were giving leaflets to explain the reasons of the action.

Police soon arrived and identified all activists. This action is part of the fight against genetic engineering and to inform about the national demonstration at EFSA that is expected for October 31, Parma.

Coalizione contro le nocività

MBE 222, Diaz 51, 471OO, Forlì