Save Titnore Woods!

With the threat of development on Titnore Woods, one of the two remaining semi-ancient woodlands left on the West Sussex coastal plain fast approaching, now is the time to rise up and resist the destruction of our natural environment by corporate greed.

With the threat of development on Titnore Woods, one of the two remaining semi-ancient woodlands left on the West Sussex coastal plain fast approaching, now is the time to rise up and resist the destruction of our natural environment by corporate greed.

West Durrington Consortium, which consists of Persimmon Homes, Taylor Wimpy and Heron Homes could be given the go ahead to build a 1250 home development and a road in the new year. Previously 875 homes where to be built, so clearly their eyes are seeing more pound signs as they envision more clearance of the precious land. The project is estimated to cost over 3 billion pounds to build and take 6 years to complete which is utter madness when Worthing is reported to have over 1000 empty buildings! If planning permission is granted West Durrington will no longer home a semi- ancient woodland with it’s rich diversity in rare species, flora and fauna or it’s surrounding farmland but a massive housing development, road, a giant Tesco and possibly 2 schools and a health centre.

Already the destruction is evident when you visit Titnore. Just across the field from the protest site the eye sore that will be Tesco is well under way and is due to open in February/March 2010. West Sussex County Council gave permission on December 9th 2009 to close the public footpath reaching Tinore woods from Fullbeck Avenue. No persons are allowed to use this right of way to visit the woods now as it is viewed as a public safety hazard until the West Durrington Consortium project is completed. Also trees and bushes have been cleared here, although none are of the semi ancient woods this is still a haunting reminder that construction is imminent.

On Thursday January 28th 2010 at 6pm the West Durrington Consortium will meet at Worthing Borough Council’s Control Committee to push for permission to begin development. If they win then it’s full steam ahead for the bulldozers and a very sad day for the hard working folk of Camp Titnore who have occupied the woods in resistance of the destruction for the last 3 and a half years, and also for the local Worthing residents who strongly oppose the plans and wish to see their ancient woodland left standing.

To show that you oppose their plans to tear down an irreplaceable natural space come and join the counter demo at 5.30pm outside Assembly Hall, Stoke Abbott Road, Worthing on January 28th 2010.
Please visit Camp Titnore. Enjoy its beauty, help to build new defences and walkways. Donations of wood, nails, polyprop and corrugated iron would be much appreciated.

Camp Titnore needs you!

See Titnore contact links for directions and so on