Hasty Lane Adopt-a-Resident Launch- Manchester – Sun 7th Feb 2010

On Sunday 7th February 2010, Hasty Lane tenants threatened by the expansion of Manchester Airport will be teaming up with climate justice campaigners in the public launch of the Adopt-a-Resident scheme.

Hasty Lane Adopt-a-Resident logoOn Sunday 7th February 2010, Hasty Lane tenants threatened by the expansion of Manchester Airport will be teaming up with climate justice campaigners in the public launch of the Adopt-a-Resident scheme. Like at Heathrow, the scheme aims to build solidarity and campaigning links and to send out a message that if the bulldozers come, they will have to deal with people from across Manchester standing together to protect people’s homes and to protect the climate.

Public launch – Sunday 7th February 2010

Hasty Lane ‘Adopt a Resident’ Launch
Sunday 7th February 2010
1pm – 3pm

Hasty Lane, next to Manchester Airport, WA15 8UT

What will the day involve?
We’ll have a grand tour of Hasty Lane, including the threatened houses and nearby wildlife spots. We’ll introduce each other and have a live video link up with Sipson village near London Heathrow. There will be tea, cake and music.

What what what?
In November 2009, Manchester City Council approved plans to bulldoze people’s homes on Hasty Lane to expand the World Freight Centre at Manchester Airport.

Not only do these plans threaten people’s homes, but the rising emissions from air freight also threaten the stability of the climate.

But we can stop them. We’re inviting you to Adopt-a-Resident at Hasty Lane. Together, we can team up to rein in Manchester airport’s climate wrecking expansion plans. Together, we’ll also show that if the bulldozers come, they will have to deal with people from across Manchester standing together to protect people’s homes and to protect our future.

At the same time, we’ll be twinning Hasty Lane with Sipson village at Heathrow. Like Hasty Lane, Sipson is also threatened by airport expansion plans. A third runway at Heathrow would bulldoze around 400 homes.

With residents, supporters, campaigners and activists linking up across Manchester and across the country – we can stand together to protect people’s homes and to protect our climate.

For more information, see:

or contact: manchester@planestupid.com

Stop Expansion at Manchester Airport will be organsing transport from central Manchester. To book your space email manchester@planestupid.com with the subject HASTY LANE.

Otherwise,TRAIN + BUS
Get the train to Manchester Airport transport interchange then either bus numbers 18 & 18A towards Hale Barns/ Altrincham. Get off at the top off Hasty lane.
take the TRAM to Altrincham interchange and take buses number 18 or 18a towards the Airport/Wythenshawe. Get off at the top off Hasty lane.

Stop Expansion at Manchester Airport
– Homepage: http://stopmanchesterairport.blogspot.com/