attempt to arrest whalers – Sea Shepherd captain abducted – crocodile assault

February 15 2010
Captain Pete Bethune Boards Shonan Maru 2 to Arrest Japanese Skipper

At 0629 Hours (Perth Time), New Zealand Captain Pete Bethune of the recently sunk Sea Shepherd vessel Ady Gil breached the Japanese government security ship Shonan Maru 2 and successfully boarded the vessel under cover of darkness.

'Crocodile egg' attackFebruary 15 2010
Captain Pete Bethune Boards Shonan Maru 2 to Arrest Japanese Skipper

At 0629 Hours (Perth Time), New Zealand Captain Pete Bethune of the recently sunk Sea Shepherd vessel Ady Gil breached the Japanese government security ship Shonan Maru 2 and successfully boarded the vessel under cover of darkness.

His mission is to attempt a citizen’s arrest of the skipper of the Shonan Maru 2 for the destruction of the Ady Gil and attempted murder of the six Ady Gil crewmembers.

At 0600 Hours, Captain Bethune (of New Zealand) left the Sea Shepherd ship Steve Irwin on a Jet Ski driven Larry Routledge (of Great Britain).

The Jet Ski lay in wait for the Shonan Maru 2 to approach. With the Japanese vessel making 14 knots through the water, Routledge maneuvered the Jet Ski into position under the anti-boarding spikes along the port side of the Shonan Maru 2.

Captain Bethune made the jump and climbed onboard the whaling ship without being noticed. Captain Bethune is presently onboard the Shonan Maru 2 awaiting sunrise to make his presence known.

Captain Bethune also has a bill for $3 million dollars to present to the Master of the Shonan Maru 2. The bill is for the cost of replacing the Ady Gil.

Captain Bethune will be demanding that the Shonan Maru 2 Captain surrender himself to Sea Shepherd or take his ship to the nearest Australian or New Zealand port to turn himself in to legal authorities.

Captain Bethune will make it clear that he does not wish to return to a Sea Shepherd ship without the Captain of the Shonan Maru 2.

Sea Shepherd anticipates that the Japanese will hold Captain Bethune as prisoner onboard the Shonan Maru 2.

“This was an impossible mission,” said Captain Paul Watson. “Captain Bethune boarded a Japanese whaling fleet security ship at high speed in total darkness, breached the spikes and anti-boarding nets and is presently onboard and the Japanese crew are still not aware that he is there. He is there to demand justice for the sinking of his ship.”

Japan Takes A Prisoner In their Crusade to Plunder the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary

The Japanese government has said they will have Captain Peter Bethune of New Zealand taken to Japan to be tried on unknown charges in a Japanese court.

The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society and Captain Peter Bethune were prepared for this possibility prior to the boarding of the Shonan Maru #2 by Captain Bethune.

“Captain Peter Bethune’s $3 million dollar vessel the Ady Gil was rammed, sunk and destroyed by the Captain of the Shonan Maru #2. The incident injured one of the six crewmembers and could have killed all six,” said Captain Paul Watson, “Captain Bethune was entirely in his rights to confront the man who almost killed him and destroyed his ship. And now this same Japanese captain who destroyed a ship almost killing its crew is intent on bringing Captain Bethune back to Japan as his captive. The question must be asked – who are the pirates here?”

The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society sees this as an opportunity to rally support for Captain Peter Bethune in New Zealand and Australia. These Japanese poachers plunder the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary with impunity and now they are hauling a courageous Kiwi hero to the Land of the Rising Sun to crucify him for defending the whales.

Captain Peter Bethune is no longer just a man who set a world record in boating and had the courage to defend the whales. He will now be the very symbol of the citizens of New Zealand and Australia and their love for the great whales.

The last time a Kiwi was taken prisoner to Japan was in their great war of imperialism when they attempted to enslave both Australia and New Zealand. They have now returned to plunder Australian and New Zealand waters and once again they are arrogantly flaunting the law and taking prisoners.

“I don’t think that Australian and New Zealanders are going to tolerate the abuse of Peter Bethune by the thugs from Japan who annually plunder the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary for profit in the name of research,” said Steve Irwin Chief Cook Laura Dakin of Canberra.

“If the Japanese put Peter Bethune on trial in Japan, it will be a case that will draw the attention of the world,” said Captain Paul Watson, “What is the Japanese government thinking? The persecution of Captain Peter Bethune will a rallying point for an international campaign to free Captain Bethune and to end the brutal illegal slaughter of the whales in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary.

Steve Irwin Launches Croc Assault on the Japanese Whaling Fleet

Crikey! And now for something completely different.

The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society always likes to inject a little humor into our campaigns and today we decided to do just that.

As a tribute to the late and legendary Steve Irwin for whom the Sea Shepherd flagship is named, the crew of the Steve Irwin delivered dozens of crocodile eggs onto the flensing deck of the Nisshin Maru.

Each of these eggs was sponsored by Sea Shepherd supporters on shore who paid $50 to inscribe a message on the outside of the egg. When these eggs make contact with water, a baby crocodile emerges from the egg and expands rapidly.

A few of the eggs were signed with messages from Terri, Bindi and Robert Irwin.

“I cannot think of anything more appropriate for the Steve Irwin to toss onto the bloody flensing decks of the Nisshin Maru than crocodile eggs and baby crocs.” Said Captain Paul Watson.

Of course these baby crocs and their eggs are not real. We can just see the Japanese trying to accuse Sea Shepherd of cruelty to animals for this action and they probably will since they can’t seem to tell the difference between fact and fiction.

“Before his tragic death Steve wanted to join us in our efforts to defend the whales in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary,” said Captain Paul Watson. “Because of that, we asked Terri Irwin for permission to name our ship in his honour.”

The croc delivery went very well. Japanese water cannons provided the moisture to crack the eggs and to release the expanding crocs onto the deck of the Nisshin Maru.

“Steve would have loved this,” said 3rd Officer Vincent Hayes of Williamstown, Victoria.

So down here in the Southern Ocean today – Crocs rule!

We love you Steve!