Lappersfort Forest Evicted

5th March –
Yesterday morning the Brugge police force emptied Lappersfort Forest. All environmental activists who had chained themselves into tree houses and tunnels have been taken. Five policemen have been injured.

Lappersfort treesLappersfort graffiti5th March –
Yesterday morning the Brugge police force emptied Lappersfort Forest. All environmental activists who had chained themselves into tree houses and tunnels have been taken. Five policemen have been injured.
The threatened land is the property of Fabricom and has been fully occupied since September 2008. Peace talks with the owners and a judge over the 3.2 hectares of land (Which has plans to be turned into industry and office ground) had been entered into to reach an agreement but had failed.

The activists chained themselves to the trees in the morning and chanted slogans as large numbers of police mobilised and entered the forest. 30 police constables cordoned off the area while 20 others – with specialist contractors – worked to remove the activists.

According to a spokesman for the Brugge police force 25 people have been obtained. Because some of the activists did not want to give their identities, immigration control has become involved. One activist has been taken to a prison on an immigration matter.
The activists who gave their identities will be released after 12 hours.
A large number of trees were cut down in a short space of time. The tree houses were also removed. According to the police, by yesterday evening 80% of the area to be ‘developed’ had been laid flat.

“Fabricom claim the social importance of serving the community and try to give themselves a green image” Says forest activist Robin “What they do in reality is put profits before nature and the population, of India the Amazon Rainforests and in Belgium. We find the increase of this type of mega-multinational particularly upsetting. They claim to be green, but where we see a forest, they see purely a speculation ground.”

The eviction of the Lappersfort has started. At 7h55 today, the police entered the forest. Police is all over the forest and a cherry-picker is in front of the forest.

13 people have been arrested while 1 remains locked on to what seems to be a 400kg concrete block. 1 of the arrested occupiers has been transported to jail as they are believed to either be involved in an ongoing investigation or be illegal in the EU.

The eviction is almost ended. One activist is still in the fortress. The lock-on team is busy with opening the lock-on. It seems to be a 400kg armed, extra-strong concrete.

There is a solidarity action on the corner where 4 people pushed through the police lines but were immediately arrested.

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