Bristol Eco Villager hospitalised after tripod demolition

5th May 2010

5th May 2010
After entering the Eco Village site this morning, bailiffs persisted through the day in their attempts to evict all Eco Villagers from the St Werbergh’s site. Local residents joined villagers in an increasingly desperate attempt to prevent this. Although a cherry picker was turned away, a digger was finally brought on site. Attempts had been made to prevent this by climbing onto it, but the digger operator evaded this by aggressive driving, throwing at least one person to the floor.

A mound of earth was then pushed against the building giving bailiffs access to non-tripod sitting villagers. The bailiffs then proceded to lower the tripods whilst the sitters were still in them, with no regard for their well being and safety, As a result of this treatment one tripod sitter was sunsequently taken to hospital with potentially serious injuries to his legs.

During all of this police ignored cries of pain and calls for help, they did, however, act to prevent villagers attempting to re-enter the site over the fence.

The bailiffs then proceded to demolish the on site building, ignoring requests to dampen the earth to protect the native endangered newt population.

The site owner has since contacted local residents to talk about non industrial use of the land.

The bailiffs firm acting on behalf of the High Court were Constant & Co.

Constant & co. are responsible for the some of the most violent and horrific evictions across the country, specializing in brutalizing Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller communities. (one quick example, but there are loads more out there:
One could inform them in a variety of formats that their activities are other than desirable making use of the details below:

Constant & Company
66 Harpur Street,
MK40 2RA

(t) 01234 340091
(f) 01234 301299

Eco Villager Hospitalised: update and request for footage and witnesses

Just a quick update to you all on Kevs condition and a few details about what actually happend. Six bailiffs illegally lowered the tripod he was on, crushing him bitweed the polls. They then proceeded to sit on him to prevent people from seeing/filimng what was going on, causing the polls to act like giant blunt scissors and badly damaging the left side of his body.

Whilst trying to remove him, they also yanked his left leg violently from side to side, causing bad ligament damage to a previous knee injury. The docs at the hospital have given him some pretty hefty pain killers and hes completly zonked out next to me as I type.

If anyone has any footage of what happend, or would like to act as a witness, could you please please please get in contact with us as we WILL be pressing charges.