Huntingdon Lane camp update

May 24, 2010
Hi there folks! Sorry it’s been so long since we last updated the site, it’s been a busy busy month of digging in and building up! We’ve had people come and people go but overall numbers are steadily climbing as more and more people hear about what we’re doing! Many thanks go out to those of you who have come and gone, all your efforts and donations, be them time, materials, food or financial contributions, have been greatly appreciated and we hope to see you all again soon! Now on with the news…

Huntingdon Lane camp flyerMay 24, 2010
Hi there folks! Sorry it’s been so long since we last updated the site, it’s been a busy busy month of digging in and building up! We’ve had people come and people go but overall numbers are steadily climbing as more and more people hear about what we’re doing! Many thanks go out to those of you who have come and gone, all your efforts and donations, be them time, materials, food or financial contributions, have been greatly appreciated and we hope to see you all again soon! Now on with the news…


Over the last month we have seen UKCoal’s intended date for the commencement of work move from the start of June to the end of June to mid July to early August and the latest news is that they don’t intend to start until the end of August. Good news!


Local water company Severn Trent Water have assessed the area’s water supply and have determined that the pump that supplies the village of New Works with water does not have the capacity to supply the proposed coal mine. This means that if they want a water supply on site they will have to pay for an additional pump to be installed at a cost of… wait for it… £40000!!!!


UKCoal’s share price is currently at a 52 week low, meaning they really haven’t got much money knocking about right now. If this continues they won’t be able to afford to install that pump, let alone fund an open cast mine!



We’ve have a busy time on the construction front, with structures going up and more tunnels going in.

First up, due to the steadily increasing numbers of mouths to feed, we tore down the old kitchen tee-pee and built an brand new kitchen building with prep areas, more storage and now enclosing the washing up area.

Those very same police and fire crews have also taken pictures of the mouths of tunnels and were not very happy with what they saw, leaving us quite happy 🙂


As We said before, we’ve had some fluidity in numbers over the past month, with some coming, some going but overall numbers are looking up and a fair amount of folks are making repeat visits when they can. Thank you again to you all for your support!

We recently had three birthdays on camp all in the same week and a fantastic time was had by all! Happy Birthday to Sarah (now 23), Dutch (an amazing 30th) and Monkey-Boy (spending his 11th birtday on site!).

An awesome group of folks over Ludlow way did a fund raising gig for us and raised a whopping £80 for the cause! Thanks so much guys, we’ll see you soon!

All in all, spirits are pretty high on site right now, the fantastic weather has helped no end and the camp is a lovely place to be, the trees are in bloom, everything is growing, it’s beautifull!


An updated Wish List will follow shortly, thanks again for your continued support and hopefully we’ll see you soon!

Photos of some of the defence structures, wishlist and updated maps at