‘Die-in’ against nuclear transport at Olympic Park

What if… “Dozens died and thousands more were exposed to dangerous levels of cancer-causing radiation after a train carrying high level nuclear waste exploded as it passed through the Olympic Park in Stratford, east London this afternoon.

Nuke train die-inWhat if… “Dozens died and thousands more were exposed to dangerous levels of cancer-causing radiation after a train carrying high level nuclear waste exploded as it passed through the Olympic Park in Stratford, east London this afternoon. The public is being warned to steer well clear of the area as the radioactive plume makes its way across the capital and the southern half of England.”

The risk of just such a scenario, whether caused by an accident or terrorist attack, prompted the Nuclear Trains Action Group to organise a die-in in front of Stratford station in east London as part of a demonstration on Saturday, 10 July 2010 against nuclear waste being transported by rail through the Olympic Park and densely populated areas of north London.

The protest started with a rally in Victoria Park, led by Kate Hudson, chair of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND). Other speakers included London Green Party MEP Jean Lambert, and Dan Viesnik and Mell Harrison from the Stop Nuclear Power Network (SNPN).

Around 70 protesters then marched for around three miles around the perimeter of the site for the London 2012 Olympics, along a canal, accompanied by a significant police presence. Carrying placards, and banners from the Nuclear Trains Action Group, local CND groups, the Green Party, SNPN and Action East End.

Upon arrival at Stratford station, the marchers proceeded to “die” in front of the entrance (although it was difficult to tell whether they had not in fact fainted from the exhaustion of walking in the sweltering heat). Some of those who remained on their feet, seemingly impervious to the pervasive radiation, handed out hundreds of leaflets to curious passers by, whilst others chalked around the outlines of the corpses.

After around half an hour of this carnage, the corpses transformed into zombies, rising to their feet and promptly moving off to quench their terrible thirst.

More images from the demo:


Related articles:

Olympics nuclear waste trains are potential terrorist target, warns London MEP

Transcript of Jean Lambert MEP’s speech

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Nuclear Trains Action Group

Stop Nuclear Power Network

Action East End