European Climate Exchange (ECX) target of decocidio hacktivists against carbon trading scam

On Friday, July 23 at 23:23 UTC, the public website of the European Climate Exchange (ECX),
the leading marketplace for trading CO2 emissions in Europe, has been targetted by hacktivists
of the autonomous tech collective *decocidio* (#ϴ).

On Friday, July 23 at 23:23 UTC, the public website of the European Climate Exchange (ECX),
the leading marketplace for trading CO2 emissions in Europe, has been targetted by hacktivists
of the autonomous tech collective *decocidio* (#ϴ).

In a public act of digital direct action, the ECX website was taken offline and replaced with our message in an effort to try to raise awareness about carbon trading as a dangerous false solution
to the climate crisis, in support of the grassroots activists aiming to oppose the power structures and companies profiteering from the dysfunctional Cap & Trade scheme.
+ ECX website:
+ Mirror(s) of our message at: ,