Belgian Climate Action Camp, 6-11 July 2011

Capitalism is a system in crisis. Social injustice is increasing, the
banks and multinationals keep investing in fossil fuels. But there is also reason to be optimistic: the global climate movement is growing and getting more active. “System change, not climate change” is a message sounding louder and louder!

Capitalism is a system in crisis. Social injustice is increasing, the
banks and multinationals keep investing in fossil fuels. But there is also reason to be optimistic: the global climate movement is growing and getting more active. “System change, not climate change” is a message sounding louder and louder!

In the past, Climate Justice Action (Belgium) organized of a series of direct actions and two climate action camps. At the opening day of the UN Conference in Cancún, we occupied the offices of IETA, a lobbygroup for emission trading.

This year we chose to link the climate action camp to the local struggle in Antwerp against the ‘Oosterweel’ bridge/tunnel plans. In cooperation with GroeNoord and other partners (Ademloos, Climaxi, Climat et Justice sociale, Masereelfonds and others), there will be a new climate action camp in Antwerp. Our main focus will be on the the consequenses of road infrastructure for the quality of life in Antwerp.

We’ll also work around other climate-related themes: from nuclear energy, to vegan cooking, from ‘cap and trade’ to ‘how feminism can save the planet?’

The climate action camp will be a week full of interesting workshops, encounters, direct action, and an ecological way of living. But most of all, it’ll be fun! Make sure to write down the dates in your agenda. We are also still looking for people who want to help with the preparation of the camp. You can reach us at

Program and more information:

* The provisional program
* The subject of the camp
* Practical information (what to bring and what to leave at home, ?)


Register and help us:
Do you want to join us at the camp? Let us know at!
Do you want to help making the camp possible? We still need help for the following:

* medical team
* garbage and recycling experts
* plumbers
* drivers
* people who know something about electricity
* handymen who can help building the camp (sanitary, composttoilets, showers, putting up tents etc.)
* people who can help facilitate meetings
* people to help breaking down the camp and cleaning the location
* translators (Dutch-French-English)
* mobilisation: spreading the flyers, sending mails etc.!
* child care

Send us a mail at