Indigenous Protesters Blockading Mine Owned by Goldcorp Assaulted, Taken Hostage in Guatemala

they’ve since been released.

On February 28, 2011, approximately 50 Indigenous men and women from Mayan communities affected by Goldcorp’s Marlin Gold mine in San Marcos, Guatemala, were attacked and taken hostage by a group of individuals said to have “strong ties” to the Vancouver-based mining company.

they’ve since been released.

On February 28, 2011, approximately 50 Indigenous men and women from Mayan communities affected by Goldcorp’s Marlin Gold mine in San Marcos, Guatemala, were attacked and taken hostage by a group of individuals said to have “strong ties” to the Vancouver-based mining company.

For Immediate Release

San Miguel Ixtahuacan, San Marcos, Guatemala, February 28, 2011.
by San Miguel Ixtahuacan Defense Front




FIRST: Today, on February 28, 2011, communities took action to pressure the government of Guatemala to carry out the Precautionary Measures MC-260-07 granted by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, which include the temporary suspension of the Marlin mine. The action consisted in peacefully blocking the main routes used by the company* in a way that respects the Constitution of our country, in which we have the right to protest.

SECOND: When the blockade began, a group of approximately 20 people assaulted Miguel Bamaca, despite the fact that the Presidential Human Rights Commission has granted him protectiv measures. Miguel Bamaca was beaten mercilessly by a family known as the Mejia family, together with neighbours who work for the company. These people have strong ties to the company and also to illegal business activities. This incident occurred at four thirty in the afternoon in a location known as Siete Platos.

THIRD: On the way back, near the community of San Jose Ixcaniche, approximately 70 members of this community intercepted the bus and began to assault various people who were travelling in the bus. Among them, our comrade Aniseto Lopez and others were beaten without being able to defend themselves. The attackers came armed with guns, stones, knives, sticks, and other weapons. Right now, approximately 50 people are kidnapped and being threatened by the community of San Jose Ixcaniche and the Mejia family.