Stop GM Gathering, Ireland

Dear Friends,
In mid-February, the EU proposed a relaxing of the legislation around the presence of GM ingredients in food stuffs and animal feed in Europe. This move was supported by Brendan Smith, then Minister for Agriculture, Food and Fisheries, without a mandate from the people of Ireland.

Dear Friends,
In mid-February, the EU proposed a relaxing of the legislation around the presence of GM ingredients in food stuffs and animal feed in Europe. This move was supported by Brendan Smith, then Minister for Agriculture, Food and Fisheries, without a mandate from the people of Ireland.

It is now time to harvest the growing momentum of concern among the people of Ireland.

Food Action and GM-Free Ireland invite you to participate in ‘Keeping Ireland GM Free/StopGMO – Gathering Momentum’ an all-Island gathering. This will take place on Sunday, 10th of April 2011, at the Dublin Food Coop. The aim of this all day event is to:

1. facilitate networking between food groups, farming groups, community gardeners, social justice and environmental, groups, policy makers, scientists, medical profession, and individuals,
2. develop strategies for:
* building resistance against the push from the GM sector lobbying at a government level
* the communication of information around the use of genetically modification and its implications
* inter-agency work that will strengthen the GM Free movement in Ireland

The programme for the day is yet to be finalised but will be confirmed prior to the event. A vegan, wholefood lunch will be provided and we invite attendants to give a suggested donation of €5.

If you would like to attend, please click here to complete the Registration Form.

If you need further details, please contact, 0857296088.

In appreciation, Food Action