Rossport action update

Shell blockaded on the first day
Tripod blocakding road as first of new fences sit and wait with nowhere to go

At 6.59 this morning a tripod was erected on the road between Shell’s Ballinaboy refinery and their compound at Aughosse, Co Mayo.

Shell blockaded on the first day
Tripod blocakding road as first of new fences sit and wait with nowhere to go

At 6.59 this morning a tripod was erected on the road between Shell’s Ballinaboy refinery and their compound at Aughosse, Co Mayo.
At 6.59 this morning a tripod was erected by people from Rossport Solidarity Camp on the road between Shell’s Ballinaboy refinery and their compound at Aughosse thereby blockading the road to all incoming trucks. Shell were due to move the first lot of fencing from one site to another at 7am in order to prepare and enlarge the existing compound in preparation for turf removal before pipe laying, but instead the truck of fencing now sits behind a line of 30 IRMS security with nowhere to go. Meanwhile the head of IRMS, Jim Farrell, can be seen making frantic phone calls.
Watch this space for more updates throughout the day…

10.30 am update
Three and a half hours after it was erected, the tripod blockade is still holding the road and no deliveries have yet been made. Scones have just been delivered via local supporters.


Shell delayed again – 2nd day
A variety of actions have been taking place all day in order to delay Shell’s expansion and securing of their new compound. Protests and blockades from 7am to 7pm

On Tuesday 26th July the actions against Shell’s proposed high pressure gas pipeline began at 7am in the morning with 6 people blocking the road with an arm tube lock on. No arrests were made. This was followed by multiple blockades of tractors and equipment bound for the Aughoose compound. Currently Shell are working on securing their compound by putting up stronger fences, laying bog mats and bringing in machinery. This is in preparation for the peat removal from the area in order to begin laying the pipe.

People have been climbing up on the back of flat bed trailers and on top of various tractors and trucks. One person was on top of a tractor for over an hour and a half before being forcibly removed and arrested by the Gardai (police) who have been traveling in convoy ‘protecting’ the tractors all day.

Only 2 loads were successfully delivered to the compound before midday. This afternoon has seen continuous disruption of the deliveries, with people hiding along the road and jumping out/on the convoy to force it to stop.

One local person successfully blocked the road by climbing up on top of a lorry directly in front of the compound.

Its been another long and amazing day. It is becoming clear that the Gardaí are finding the intensity of the protests frustrating and that they seem reluctant to make arrests. It remains to be seen whether they will be able to keep this level of policing up but it is clearly exhausting all of their resources.

This is a critical time in the the campaign and to keep this kind of protests going we need more people! There is a mass Day of Action this Friday 29th July. If you can come up sooner or stay for longer it would be great!

For more information call 085 1141170 or check out or


Mayo – Shell’s construction stopped for fifth consecutive day

— Campaigners blockading heavy vehicles prevent construction of Shell’s onshore pipeline — Press release from earlier today – more details from today plus photos to follow as soon as the folk involved catch their breath!

This morning, 28th of July 2011, campaigners again successfully stopped the first haulage of the day from Shell’s refinery at Ballinaboy to the proposed tunneling compound at Aughoose, Erris. Co. Mayo. Two people climbed on top of the tractor carrying materials for the construction site at 7.05am. The campaigners are currently blocking all further Shell transport for the fifth consecutive work day since Shell attempted to start peat removal on Friday the 22nd of July.

The first blockade of the day lasted for over two hours. At 9.45 a tripod blockade was erected on the same stretch of road, which is currently blocking Shell’s haulage. Continuous blockades can be expected until 7pm this evening. Three arrests were made yesterday. There have been no arrests so far today.

Local resident Betty Schultz protesting this morning at Ballinaboy, said “Tomorrow’s Day of Action marks our continuing opposition to the disruption of the community and the unique environment we live in. Now is the time to support the community of Erris in their campaign. Ireland can’t afford to give away its natural resources.”

People from around Ireland are answering this SOS call from Erris, and many are expected to arrive this afternoon and this evening to be ready for a mass Day of Action tomorrow, Friday the 29th of July. In advance of the mass action tomorrow, local women gathered at the entrance to Ballinaboy this morning from 7am to show that Shell do not have the community consent.

Glenamoy resident Mary Horan at Ballinaboy gates said “While in Ireland we are closing our hospitals due to lack of funds, Shell have today announced profits of 13 billion euros. Shell’s profits announced this morning are sickening to this community whose health and safety has been sacrificed for Shell’s shareholders. Neither Shell nor Enda Kenny can hide the injustice being done to Ireland. We will be here until justice is done.”