Workshop for Actions and Alternatives – all-year-climate-camp

There’s something strange about climate change: It’s well-known, there’s no need for general education. Everybody supports approaching the problem and stopping human-caused climate change.

There’s something strange about climate change: It’s well-known, there’s no need for general education. Everybody supports approaching the problem and stopping human-caused climate change.
Although governments promise answers and solutions, we’re just watching a rapid increase of the climate catastrophe. Thus the suspicion comes to mind, that the right solutions haven’t been found – or rather that they’re not acceptable for economy and governments.
The question arises, if our world can wait for a solution. People in regions, where it comes to food shortage, scertainly not. At first, people in poor regions won’t be able to adapt to changes. Droughts or floods will force them to flee. Mostly various reasons urge people to flight, yet climate change will play an increasingly important role.
This fact by itself questions the distribution of raw materials and food on this world – or why the poorest, who contributed the smallest part of climate-relevant greenhouse-gases so far, shall bear most of the damage.
Europe guards itself: Legal barriers for fleeing persons are intolerably high and on the Mediterranean Sea, the European police force “frontex” provides a hardly passable blockade. We see this situation as cynical and dissatisfying – for the fleeing it’s rather fatal. On the basis of this example we want to illustrate that it’s about more than energy-saving lamps and recycled paper. Neither do we see the nuclear phaseout in Germany, linked to a half-hearted energy transition, as a solution. There’s a lot to do…

This flyer addresses to all persons, who are not willing to wait for a solution “from above” anymore. The aim shall be to take the initiative yourself, to see yourself as an active person in this “political power game”, in which we usually just should move as consumers. Let’s create determined, progressive politics together from below – for an entirely different climate.

Why in the Rhenish brown coal-mining region?
In this region, brown coal is mined in three opencast mines, mainly for six gigantic coal-fired power stations, whereby the vast bulk of CO2 in Europe is emitted. What “Wendland” is for nuclear energy, the Rhenish brown coal-mining region has to become for carbon energy. We want to work together with concerned locals – whole villages are forced to resettle – in solidarity against destruction.
We want to present a lively counter-image to capitalist destructiveness! Here, experimental living of a climate-neutral future, over there the tear-off edge, the hole – square-kilometres of destruction. Decide now!

Space for learning
Courses and seminars shall be provided in a Do-It-Yourself culture. Themes turn around climate-neutral life, non-hierarchical methods and forms of organisation, diverse kinds of theoretical stuff and methods of resistance. And since we neither belief in homogeneous concepts from above against climate change, nor find them desirable, we consider a debate from below necessary. A debate, in which everyone is invited to take part, which isn’t build up on expert’s hierarchies, which doesn’t seek unification, but which can stand different positions, in hope that there will arise syntheses out of tensions in between.

And action…
The workshop shall serve as a platform for different actions against destruction of the environment and living space. Thereby we focus on developing putting into practice methods of actions, which we together do with persons from there and elsewhere, which aim at the emancipation of the single individuals.

The Workshop for Actions and Alternatives is being built up from September (2011) on in
52355 Düren, Kallsgasse 20

How to get there and latest infos:

If you feel appealed by this text, there are diverse possibilities how you can take part:
– Come and see what we’re doing
– Contribute your ideas and talents (of organisation for example)
– Get in touch if you want to teach or learn something
– Distribute this flyer
– Offer your abilities: Lay-outing, writing, do research
– Donations of money would also help:
account of donation: