Call-out! Eco-education centre reopened, Forest of dean, help needed!

This is a call out for support.

Last night the Forest of Dean Eco-village swooped and reclaimed an environmental education centre closed by the cuts, we intend to reopen it and run it as a free education space for the local community and beyond.

We invite you to come join us on our journey towards creating a sustainable future.

This is a call out for support.

Last night the Forest of Dean Eco-village swooped and reclaimed an environmental education centre closed by the cuts, we intend to reopen it and run it as a free education space for the local community and beyond.

We invite you to come join us on our journey towards creating a sustainable future.

We need people to come help hold down the space, work on the buildings, gardens, woodlands, run workshops, skill shares and help use this rare resource to its maximum potential.

If you have something to contribute in terms of time, energy, ideas, skills and resources you are welcome to join us.

If you are interested please contact us at…

admin [at] apokaluptein [dot] org [dot] uk

tel:0781 172 6372

See you in the woods!