Sizewell Camp 2012

Skill Share, Networking and Protest
Power for the People – Not Profits for the Few

Friday 20th (from 6pm) – Sunday 22nd April

Skill Share, Networking and Protest
Power for the People – Not Profits for the Few

Friday 20th (from 6pm) – Sunday 22nd April

Spend a sunny weekend camping on the beach at Sizewell and learning about the worrying plans for a new nuclear power station at the site. Come and show your opposition to nuclear power and your support for alternative, sustainable energy solutions. The weekend includes a protest at the nuclear power station entrance, workshops and skill shares, woodland and beach walks, delicious vegan grub, and networking. Now is the time to take action against nuclear new build – come join us to say ‘Nuclear Power? –
No Thanks!’

The Camp – Friday 20th – Sunday 22nd April 2012

Demonstration, Saturday 21st April, 12noon, at the entrance to Sizewell A and B
A demonstration outside the gates of Sizewell, opposing nuclear power and nuclear new build, and supporting sustainable alternatives.

Workshops and Walks
Saturday and Sunday, at the Camp

A number of workshops have been proposed, including: 'Nuclear Power – A Rational Response to Climate Change and Energy Security?', 'Nuclear Physics for Beginners', 'Extreme Energy – Scraping the Bottom of the Barrel', 'Alternative Energy', as well as guided walks along the beach and into the woods EdF intends to destroy.

Chernobyl Remembrance
Sunday 22nd, 1pm at the Camp

Please let us know (contact details below) if you are thinking of coming, so we have an idea of numbers for catering, etc.

People are also needed to help with camp set up on Friday, and 'tat down' – taking down the camp – on Monday morning, so please let us know if you are able to help out with either of those.

Email: camp [at]
Phone: 07894467356