Take Back the Land: site taken, Glentaggart East occupied!


Yesterday evening we occupied Scottish Coal’s new opencast mine site in the Douglas Valley, South Lanarkshire, for Take Back the Land! – a week of action against the destruction of opencast mining.


Yesterday evening we occupied Scottish Coal’s new opencast mine site in the Douglas Valley, South Lanarkshire, for Take Back the Land! – a week of action against the destruction of opencast mining.

The camp will run until the 18th July and there will be a mass action on Saturday 14th July. There’s detailed directions to the camp here  http://takebacktheland.org.uk/?page_id=6 and the website here  http://takebacktheland.org.uk/ has all the information you’ll need to participate. Come and get involved – take action against corporate greed, fat-cat landlords and corrupt local government!