Buenos Aires: Banner drop at the Metro for the Swiss Embassy in solidarity with Marco Camenisch (Argentina)

On Wednesday 28th August, we hung a banner on the building of the Metro where the Swiss Embassy resides. While we were removed, we scattered flyers around the place.

On Wednesday 28th August, we hung a banner on the building of the Metro where the Swiss Embassy resides. While we were removed, we scattered flyers around the place. With this simple action, we express our solidarity with our anarchist comrade Marco Camenisch, a prisoner of Switzerland, currently on hunger strike. To him we send our love. To him and to all our comrades that meet behind the walls, but are never defeated, and never repent.

All our hate to the State and the prisons. They will never stop us because our solidarity is stronger than their repressive blows and organisations.

Revolutionary solidarity to all the indomitable prisoners all over the world.

Comradely greetings to all those who, day by day, struggle against this system of exploitation.

Death to the State!
Long Live Anarchy!

Individualist Anarchists