(USA) Another Lockdown Against the Keystone Tar Sands Pipeline!

Protesters locked to equipment clearcutting forests to make way for the Keystone tar sands pipeline. Winnsboro, TX, Sep. 19 2012

Tar Sands Blockade protesters have locked themselves to a wood chipper and skidder being used to clear-cut trees near Winnsboro, TX to make way for the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline. This is the fourth action to date in the Tar Sands Blockade campaign.

The Tar Sands Blockade campaign is active and ongoing. Calls to join the action have been put out both by the main group and by “a small crew of Earth First!ers and eco-anarchists engaged in tactical elements of the larger Tar Sands Blockade campaign.”

To find out more, watch this Tar Sands Blockade action video, and visit tarsandsblockade.org and stoptarsands.org.