Castle Point Essex – Green Belt Threatened!

Former MP and Eco campaigner Bob Spink has jettisoned his 'green' credentials in favour of profit 
Spink  was originally elected as a Conservative but switched allegiances to the UK Independence Party. Having left UKIP Spink then campaigned at the last election as a environmentalist as part of a self-created 'Save Our Greenbelt' party.

Former MP and Eco campaigner Bob Spink has jettisoned his 'green' credentials in favour of profit 
Spink  was originally elected as a Conservative but switched allegiances to the UK Independence Party. Having left UKIP Spink then campaigned at the last election as a environmentalist as part of a self-created 'Save Our Greenbelt' party. He was defeated at the last election by the current incumbent, Rebecca Harris MP.
As can be seen from the attached local news coverage, Spink has renounced his 'green' credentials and instead has been acting as a consultant to developer Redrow to advise on a planning application to build 250 new homes on Green Belt land in his former constituency. To make matters worse, Spink's home is located in the centre of the proposed development and together with a consortium of residents has been offered a sum considerably in excess of the market value of his home by Redrow should the application prove successful.
The area under threat is ancient woodland, rich in flower and fauna including badgers, bats and woodpeckers. 
This is another example of a former public figure using his time in office to acquaint himself with planning regulations for his private gain. There is considerable local opposition to this development and a great deal of animosity against Spink and the ease with which he seems to have jettisoned his Eco credentials in favour of profit.
We have established a protest group to oppose this development but we need to hear from experienced activists to advise us on how best to resist these plans.
Please contact us via our Facebook page 'Friends of Bowers Road Green Belt Benfleet' and help us save our woodland.