News from the Hambach Forest: Eviction and resquatting

During the last week a lot has happend. On the 13th of November the police started to evict the camp area near the hole. It took till saturday 17th early in the morning to get out the last people.

During the last week a lot has happend. On the 13th of November the police started to evict the camp area near the hole. It took till saturday 17th early in the morning to get out the last people.

There was some attention localy and in the whole press and TV in this language zone. On a press conference we gave on the 19th of November we anounced the we have since squatted for quiet a while another area. South of the forest. So we wern't really completly evicted and resquatted inside a week:) On Wednsday 21th of November police came to evict this new area, but didnt have any paper work, it happend that the owner of the area came to see his land , during this police action.

He was taken into custody by police, this resulted in pretty bad press for the police 🙂 It seems he got angry with the police and RWE as a result of this and doesnt want to evict us from his ground.

These days its windy and security cars are going in the neigbourhood, there are even more people supporting, and more would be welcome.

Squat more. Resist here and everywhere.

Any time they hit us we come back much stronger 🙂