Come to Camp, Defend the Trees, Celebrate 12th Night (6/7 Jan)!

[Please note: There is a replacement bus service for the train between Battle and Hastings all weekend (6 & 7 January), so check the times before you leave.]

[Please note: There is a replacement bus service for the train between Battle and Hastings all weekend (6 & 7 January), so check the times before you leave.]

The chainsaws have been silent over Christmas but they’ll soon be back. And when they come, they’ll come early. So: come and defend the trees, and celebrate 12th night (the evening of Sunday 6 January), all in one place!

Bring a dish to share, a song to sing, and be ready to defend the trees early the next morning (Monday 7 January – which also happens to be our best guest of when the contractors will be returning in force). (See here for directions to – and groundrules for – the Camp). Practical workshops – focussing on putting up structures to help with the peaceful defence of the trees – will also be taking place on Saturday 5 January.

Whether or not you plan to stay overnight you’ll probably want to bring a torch, wellies and some eating utensils. If you are going to stay over then you’ll also need to bring water, snacks, bedding and – ideally – a tent. If you haven’t got a tent, let us know, as there may be some spare tent space. The camp is near Adam’s Farm, Crowhurst: see here.

Finally, whether or not you’re able to make any of this weekend’s events, please try and come to the Camp as early as possible on the morning of Monday 7th January (when we anticipate the chainsaws will be back in force). We may be able to offer lifts at 5.45am from Crowhurst. If you require or can offer a lift please let us know – 07926 423 033