Battle of Hastings

As predicted, Monday 7 January saw the chainsaws back in force on the Bexhill-Hastings Link Rd being built smack through the middle of tranquil Combe Haven.

As predicted, Monday 7 January saw the chainsaws back in force on the Bexhill-Hastings Link Rd being built smack through the middle of tranquil Combe Haven. Despite the fact that the funding for the road isn't yet in place East Sussex County Council seem determined to fell all the trees along the route. With most activity focussed on the area near the railway, just opposite Upper Wilting Farm (TN38 8EG). Activists rapidly occupied trees in the area, and then one of the excavators, also staging a sit-down protest in front of the latter.

“We were up and ready for them at six this morning, before it got light. They were trying to cut trees to the north of the second camp. There are three big oaks there that they clearly wanted to fell but we pushed through the lines of security and got people into the trees”

Two people were arrested and subsequently released: one charged, one cautioned (both for “aggravated trespass”).

“We obviously stopped a lot of what they were planning to do. They were mostly just brush-cutting all day. We were with them until it got dark. I'm not entirely sure what they brought a digger along for but they didn't really get to use it”

Further action – by both road contractors & opponents of the road – is expected to begin early Tuesday (8 January) & more people are needed for both arrestable and non-arrestable roles! And don’t forget the ongoing Camp, not far away, near Adam’s Farm.