Police say camps to be evicted this week, as 400-year-old oak felled

Contractors moved in in force on Monday (14 January) to evict the “Three Oaks” camp near the railway line opp.

Contractors moved in in force on Monday (14 January) to evict the “Three Oaks” camp near the railway line opp. Upper Wilting Farm in Crowhurst (see press release below), and police have told activists that they plan to evict the remaining two camps (“Decoy Pond Wood” and “Base Camp” – see map below) this week.

So if you want to come and help peacefully stop the felling (whether in an arrestable or non-arrestable role): now’s the time! See here for more info re. the Camp.

[Update at 12.30pm: Despite being heavily outnumbered by security and contractors, activists at the "Three Oaks" protest camp were able to delay the felling of the 400-year-old oak by 3-4 hours this morning. Two people were finally evicted from high-up in the oak, and a third person, locked-on near the base, was also removed. No arrests were made, and the trees in question are now being felled.]

Press Release
14 January 2013
Combe Have
n Defenders


9am, Monday 14 January, Crowhurst:  Contractors preparing the way for the Bexhill-Hastings Link Road (BHLR) are believed to be felling a 400-year-old Oak Tree as they evict the “Three Oaks” protest Camp near the railway line opp. Upper Wilting Farm (TN38 8EG) in Crowhurst (see map below).

Police, security, chainsaw operatives, and a digger moved in on the tree-protest Camp (one of three along the route of the BHLR) this morning, shortly after 7am. Despite being heavily outnumbered by police and security, as at 8.30am several activists were in the trees and at least one was locked-on.

According to a recent report in the Guardian: “When the landowner signed the compulsory purchase order for the land at Three Oaks, where a flyover is to be built above the railway, he persuaded the council to spare one tree thought to be 450 years old (not a promise the protesters expect to be kept).” [3]

Two more protest camps (“Decoy Pond Wood Camp” and “Base Camp”) have not yet been evicted.

The BHLR is one of over forty “zombie roads” that were declared dead years ago but have now been resuscitated as part of Britain’s largest road-building programme in 25 years [4].

[2] See map here: www.combehavendefenders.org.uk
[3] “Road protests return: a new generation takes on the bypass builders”, Guardian, 12 January 2013, http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2013/jan/12/combe-haven-green-protesters-trees
[4] http://bettertransport.org.uk/media/26-Oct-roads-report