URGENT APPEAL – Defend Combe Haven, Resist the Eviction!

Camp Decoy, the last of three camps standing in the way of the proposed Bexhill – Hastings Link Road (BHLR), faces eviction next Monday (28 Jan). If you have ever thought you might come and take a stand against this horrifying scheme, now’s the time.

Camp Decoy, the last of three camps standing in the way of the proposed Bexhill – Hastings Link Road (BHLR), faces eviction next Monday (28 Jan). If you have ever thought you might come and take a stand against this horrifying scheme, now’s the time.

We need to do absolutely everything we can to peacefully resist this eviction. We have been truly humbled over the last few weeks by the level of support from the local community, and from well-wishers far and wide.  But now we need people, lots of people, to stand together and say: “Enough is enough, it’s time to protect the countryside”.

See here for maps and directions from the nearest train station (Crowhurst).

Combe Haven is the first of 190 sites at risk of new road development.  If we allow this one, the others will follow and precious habitats all over the country will be lost forever.

Here’s how you can help resist the eviction of Camp Decoy:

1. Share this far and wide.  Facebook, Twitter, Email.  Phone your friends.  Phone your local radio station!  Tell everyone at work, at school, at college, and down the pub.

2.Donate! Use the donate button on the Combe Haven Defenders web-site, or send them a cheque. Every little helps: just £6 buys enough rope to secure a platform; £12 buys a lock to secure someone to it.

3.Most importantly – Come to Combe Haven and help to peacefully defend Camp Decoy!


Decoy Wood is the last remaining piece of woodland in the way of the BHLR.  Wait a week or two and it may be gone. If live in England, Wales or Scotland and you can get 20 people from your community to come, we will provide you with your very own Combe Haven Bus, for free!

These buses will bring people to Camp Decoy on Saturday, and on Sunday we hope to provide training in tree-climbing, locking-on, and a legal briefing.

We need everyone, whether it’s for peaceful resistance, legal observation or general support.  Whether you are willing to risk arrest or not – there’s a job for you!

The bus will return to your community after a few days of action, depending on the situation on the ground.

For more information about the Combe Haven Bus, please phone or text 07766 335506