Petition to Welsh Government asking them to make their MTAN2 recommendations mandatory in Welsh planning law.



Hi All.
I'm looking for support for a petition a small anti opencast group from Varteg, Pontypool has started to Welsh Gov asking them to make their MTAN2 recommendation for a 500m buffer zone around opencast mines mandatory in Welsh planning law. This action would sterilise 66% of the Welsh coalfield according to the Coal Authorities figures and would be a precedent to other governments to value the local populations who live around mineral extraction. 
Could I  ask you to help spread the petition through you networks?


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Here's the petition asking Welsh Government to make the MTAN2 500m buffer zone around opencast mines mandatory in planning law in Wales.
Please sign by clicking link below and share it anywhere and everywhere
Sign Petition | National Assembly for Wales
We call upon the National Assembly for Wales to urge the Welsh Government to make the MTAN Guidance Notes, notably those relating to a 500 metre buffer zone around open cast workings, mandatory in Welsh planning law.