Stop the Tennessee Pipeline. 26th Feb

Gifford Pinchot, the Pennsylvania tree-sitter that is blockading the route of the Tennessee Pipeline from logging, stays strong and gives us this update from the trees:

Gifford Pinchot, the Pennsylvania tree-sitter that is blockading the route of the Tennessee Pipeline from logging, stays strong and gives us this update from the trees:

“Right now there is a march going on across the Delaware River to stop the pipeline. I wish I could join but I’m afraid that those trees around me wouldn’t still be standing when I returned. It’s wet and rainy and there are no chain saws that I can hear, but I know they are running somewhere and so the fight must continue. Tennessee Gas may not care about these hills and this  community, the state and national government may not care, but we care and people who are being poisoned by the gas industry, forced to sell their homes and relocate or live next to the destruction wrought in the name of profits only the executives will see…”

Pinchot is still in the tree stand as tree crews cut toward him.  No tree crews have showed up on the Pike County side of the clearing project yet this morning, and activists are prepared to call OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) if loggers attempt to complete the steep slope above Cummins Hill Road.  …

These actions are part of a campaign opposing the Tennessee Pipeline in the Delaware River Basin. The direct action campaign is taking place after nearly two years of local political leaders and grassroots opposition in the courts, public comment, and protest. …