nine ladies no real victory – The real news direct from the nine ladies collective.

Today we finally received the high court verdict regarding the classification of the quarries at lees cross and endcliffe. the quarries are now (or still) officially dormant. This means that the quarries cannot re open until the peak park have agreed a set of working conditions for them. Stancliffe Stone still have the permission to quarry from 1952, and the peak park still have the power to revoke the permission, or to impose such restrictions that the re opening of the quarries would be financially unviable. Our protest site must and will continue to exist in order to protect our beautiful hillside (in the second most visited national park on the planet), as it is still quite possible that this awesome natural heritage of ours could be destroyed. Please dont let the media convince you that this is a victory on our behalf. Please send your comments on the proposals to re-open Lees Cross and Endcliffe quarries to The Peak Distric National Park Planning Authority and Lord Edward Manners of ‘Haddon Hall’ (who owns the land) or come and visit our protest community. Thank you (and a happy nearly-solstice) from the 9-ladies collective! x x x

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