Reclaim the Fields and Climate camp 2013 in Colone, Germany

Reclaim the Fields and AusgeCO2hlt invite you to an actioncamp in Rhineland, close to Cologne (Germany), from 23.8. until 6.9. 2013.

Reclaim the Fields and AusgeCO2hlt invite you to an actioncamp in Rhineland, close to Cologne (Germany), from 23.8. until 6.9. 2013. For three days we will take collective direct action against the open cast mining in Rhineland. Furthermore there will be a program including different practical and theoretical workshops, discussions and a lot more.

On the background of the struggles in Rhineland we want to facilitate an exchange of dissident knowledge and action.We invite to 14 days of networking, collective learning and discussion as well as practical activities to exchange knowledge and skills and to resist in the Rhineland.

Apart from the three days of action there will be a lot of space for Workshops and getting to know each other to create new links.The Camp is a participatory process and waits for your contribution! We are looking forward to your ideas, contents and skills to create a program together.

You are artists, activists, peasants, urban gardeners, are living on a collective farm or are active in political campaigns or groups? You want to share you experiences, pass and broaden your knowledge? Then you are welcome to do this in the course of workshops, discussions, practical work or in other ways.

We look forward to alternative ideas on topics like collective and solidariy form of living and working beyond capitalism and structures of exploitation. Everything that strengthens our diverse daily and organized resistance is welcome.

Contact us at program (at)

Some potential themes for workshops to inspire you:

foodsouvereignty // right wing politics in eco movement // animal rights/animal Liberation // self-supply/-sufficiency // self-organisation // access to land // connecting urban and rural struggles // urban supply of rural collectives (Community Supported Agriculture, Non-Commercial Agriculture) // permaculture // Private Properties – Commons // History and development of Agriculture: Agriculture and Capitalism (Green Revolution) // land liberation through purchase of land (different means of access to land: squatting, buying, etc) // how to organise struggles, „how to do resistance“/share and learn forms of resistance // energy // botany/knowlegde of herbs and plants

What is Ausgeco2hlt?

Our Campaign sees itself as an open platform where different groups and individuals can network with each other, educate themselves and take collective action. Our aim is to organize a broad protest movement against RWE¹ and for the immediate shut down of the open cast mines in the Rhineland coal fields.

We see the protest against brown coal as part of a global climate movement against Coal-energy, the exploitation of shale gas, Carbon-dioxide storage, etc. and stand in solidarity with energy struggles against fossil-nuclear capitalism.

We are convinced that in order to facilitate a true energy transformation, monopolised power structures have to be questioned and we have to change the rules of the game of the concurrent economy, built upon limitless growth and consumption of resources.Thus we support initiatives for self-determined ways of living as an alternative to superfluous consumption. At the same time we demand a collectivization of energy companies and a decentralized energy supply with renewable energies.

What is Reclaim the Fields?

Reclaim the Fields is a europewide constellation of peasants, landless and prospective peasants, as well as people who are taking back control over food production.We support and encourage people to stay on the land and go back to the countryside. We promote food sovereignty (as defined in the Nyéléni declaration) and peasant agriculture, as well as alternative ways of life.We are determined to create alternatives to capitalism through cooperative, collective, autonomous, real-needs-oriented, small-scale production and initiatives. We are putting theory into practice and linking local practical action with global political struggles.


The "Reclaim the seeds" working group invites people to come with selfproduced seeds and any document they think would be nice to share. With the practise of seed swap's we want to reflect about the subject of seeds collectively.

A Camp welcoming Children

The Camp is meant to be a children friendly space, where children and their affinity persons have a space and are included in actions, the program and other camp activities. We are aware that political actions and camps often contain obstacles for parents and affinity person of children and thus exclude them. Taking into account the real needs of children and affinity persons we want to create a space for everyone. Please feel welcome to come to the camp and participate! We would be happy if you would get in touch with us beforehand in order to talk about an adequate arrangement.

No space for Racism or Sexism – Not at the Camp nor anywhere else

The camp explicitly takes a stand against Sexism and Racism as well as other forms of domination on the basis of hierarchical social categories, the camp positions itself determinant against sexist and racist acts.

Costs of the Camp

We try to organize the camp as low-cost as possible but are dependent on your solidarity contributions. Please get in touch with us if you want to come but the travel is too expensive for you. We want to make it possible for everybody to come and share travel costs in a collective manner, but can not guarantee anything.


If you need a Visa to get to the camp an want to be supported in that case, get in touch with us at –

Information and contact

More, up to date, information about the program, how to get to the camp, food, camping, etc. can be found at

Through the mailadress you can reach us with questions about the camp.

For workshops please write to program[at]

For more information about RtF and Ausgeco2hlt visit: and

Register for the camp at:

The more people register the easier it is for us to plan!

Feel free to forward this call to individuals or groups you know and come to the camp!

Resistance is fertile!

Your Camp-Organisation


¹RWE is Germanys second biggest energy supply concern, that keeps on using cole as th main energy and has compared to other european companies a very low share of regenerative energies in the mix of energies. RWE is being critisised of doing greewashing with "climate campaigns" whilst through open cast mining a lot of nature and towns are being destroyed, aswell as lowering the groundwater.