Corrib campaigner on hunger strike in Castlerea prison

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On Monday 17th of June Corrib campaigner Liam Heffernan began a hunger strike in protest against his continued detention in Castlerea prison.

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On Monday 17th of June Corrib campaigner Liam Heffernan began a hunger strike in protest against his continued detention in Castlerea prison.

On Wednesday morning the 12th of June Liam Heffernan – a campaigner from the Rossport Solidarity Camp – was arrested at Aughoose, County Mayo under sections 8 and 9 of the Public Order Act for allegedly obstructing Shell construction vehicles without lawful authority or reasonable excuse.

At Belmullet Garda station Mr. Heffernan was offered to enter into a bail bond with the condition that he stay away from the Shell tunnelling compound at Aughoose. After refusing this extraordinary condition, he was remanded to Catlerea prison, Co. Roscommon for two days until the court sat on Friday morning last.

In Harristown Court, Castlerea, Mr. Heffernan, defending himself, read a statement to the court saying that he believed he was being illegally detained and informed the Judge of some of the history of the Corrib gas project and his reasons for protesting at Aughoose. The Judge replied that he should take up these issues with the High Court and/or the Government. At this point Mr. Heffernan accepted to enter into the bail conditions set out by the Judge and to appear before Belmullet District Court on the 10th of July.

The Judge however found problems with Mr. Heffernan's signature and remanded the campaigner in custody until the next sitting of Harristown court.

Today, Thursday the 20th of June, marks Liam's ninth day in prison and fourth day on hunger strike. Supporters of Liam are invited to attend Harristown Court, Castlerea, tomorrow,  Friday the 21st of June at 10.30am