CCF-Russia Torches Mobile Housing Unit at a Highway Construction Site in Adygeya (Russia)

Adygeya, RU

Adygeya, RU

Adygeya, RU

from Bite Back

anonymous report, from From Russia With Love:

“At the end of july 2013 near Maikop (resp. Adygeya) we carried out an ecotage action at the highway construction site. We chose a moonless night to reach the site of this horrendous rape of nature and chose our targets: personal belongings of slave-workers as well as corporate property. Having picked up a stone in the ditch nearby, we cracked open a window and poured some gasoline inside the mobile housing unit (we made sure no workers were inside before the attack). The rest of gasoline was poured on the wheels. In the next moment a flash of match send this shit to hell where it properly belongs. We wish the construction company to follow the vehicle there. Our withdrawal was lighted with flames (as usual). No guard turned up to stop us (as usual).

Do not wait for the optimal moment to present itself before you go on offensive. Only the state of permanent conflict will make your personality strong. If you follow the track of biding your time, hoarding money, buying some sophisticated stuff for the action – you’re subconsciously withdrawing from the struggle. No camouflage or fancy boots will carry out the action for you (though they do help). All things are mere tools. Go outside and fight now! Do not listen to those who murmur: ‘now is not the time’! To hell with famous ideologists! To hell with ‘inappropriate anarchy’! Anarchy is here and now! To hell with union struggle! Working class is dead just like the present day society. It’s rotten. It’s in decay. Yet we are supposed to communicate with it just like Russians are supposed to communicate with Lenin. Do what you want the way you want it to be done. Fight for your own freedom. Fight for yourselves. Fight for your brothers and sisters. Fight for the future of your children. Nobody will grant you freedom unless you take it by force for yourselves. If now is not the time for you to step over ‘the law’, to look beyond the templates of accepted ‘resistance’, then we bet you won’t find any courage inside when the civil war starts. We wish you luck.

CCF-Russia, 2013″