ELF fight to save Moscow park

August 20, 2013 – Russia

anonymous report, from From Russia With Love:

August 20, 2013 – Russia

anonymous report, from From Russia With Love:

"About two weeks ago we torched a tracked excavator at the place where workers were destroying Ismailovo park. The vehicle was parked on the side of the highway, where they were adding more lanes to the road. It took us 3-4 minutes to do the job. We approached. We set up our load of rags, no rush (we targeted spots between the cockpit, engine room and hydraulics in the arm). Added some gasoline and set it on fire. Quickly ran to the opposite side of the street, took our bottles of beer from bags and headed towards the nearby subway station. After about 10 minutes of walking we saw a firefighter brigade (all noisy and flashy) driving to the place of recent ecotage (they would be just in time to save the smoking remains).

Words of encouragement to our Ukranian comrades who for reasons unknown suspended all activity. We would also like to mention our rage at the sentence of Igor 'Squash' Kharchenko: http://grani.ru/Society/Law/m.217970.html [antifascist from Moscow, sentenced to prison after a controversial trial despite all evidence proving his innocence]

Have no doubt, we will avenge him.

– ELF-Moscow"