Badger Cull Update: We’re Winning

24th September, Due to high numbers of protestors, patrolers and sabs the badger cull is basically f**ked.

24th September, Due to high numbers of protestors, patrolers and sabs the badger cull is basically f**ked.

To begin with the shooters started by luring badgers out to sets buy burying peanuts in 'good shooting spots'. this resulted in all the peanuts being replaced with repellant thus having the opposite effect they wanted.

Now they have moved to cage trapping, a much slower and more expensive form of killing badgers. Lets just say there are many things that can be done with theese expensive cages (

Now we've learn't that the shooters are pulling out and staying at home. This is because all the big sets are constantly protected and all they have left is the 'slim picking' (and getting paid per badger killed is'n't paying them enough to justify getting out of bed)

Some very good news from one of our spies in the farming community:
During an NFU dinner in Cheltenham a couple of nights ago, many farmers from within the cull zone were in attendance, moaning:
"the anti's are bloody everywhere and it makes the cull impossible"
"We wish we had never heard of the badger cull"
"it just doesn't work, we haven't killed any"
Best news of all was that one farmer was overheard to say:
"Our contractor was supposed to come in this week, but he's cancelled, he said "there's no point in coming"

Now we have just learn't that that out of all the hundreds of protesters out there the police have only arrested 7 and all 7 of theese cases have been dropped!

We are half way through the cull, get down to the cull zones and lets end this nonsence once and for all

If your going to the Glous zone contact Three Counties hunt Saboteurs

if your going to the somerset zone contact Somerset Against The Badger Cull

If you cant make it to the zones please consider donating some equipment to make us more effective by clicking this link