Mexican Guerillas Promise Armed La Parota Resistance

Members of the guerilla group FAR-LP, photographed at a hidden location in Guerrero, Mexico. 4th Dec

Members of the guerilla group FAR-LP, photographed at a hidden location in Guerrero, Mexico. 4th Dec

A new guerilla group in the Mexican state of Guerrero has promised armed support for social movements, including the struggle against La Parota Dam.

Two days after announcing its formation via online media, the Revolutionary Armed Forces-People’s Liberation (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias-Liberación del Pueblo, FAR-LP) released a video of one of its leaders, “Comandante Camilo,” warning that the group will launch armed reprisals against the government if it continues repressing social movements.

“If the federal and state governments continue the repression of activists and NGOs, we will make them pay,” he says, reading from a communiqué.

“From these lands, forgotten by all those governments, we say to you, Mr. Governor and Mr. President Peña Nieto, that the harassment, the deaths, the threats against the people must end.

“From this moment, if there is another who dies or is imprisoned from our people, we will exact payment, not in the same place. If there has to be blood, we should spill more than they.”

The FAR-LP explicitly mentions its support for the Council of Ejidos and Communities in Opposition to La Parota Dam (CECOP), an unrelated non-guerilla group that has spearheaded opposition to the dam.

“They are not alone. They have an army at their disposition. You [the government] are the ones who decide what we will do,” the group states.