Eviction of Hambach Forest right now

The hambach forest is under eviction right now. Hundrets of police are trying to get the people down from the trees, but it can need some time. Media is talking about lock-ons in the trees. Right now there are several lifting ramps working at several treehouses at the same time. The Police is blocking roads and the motorway in a big range.

The hambach forest is under eviction right now. Hundrets of police are trying to get the people down from the trees, but it can need some time. Media is talking about lock-ons in the trees. Right now there are several lifting ramps working at several treehouses at the same time. The Police is blocking roads and the motorway in a big range.

The hambach forest is occupied against the coal-pit from RWE close to Cologne (it's the biggest coal-area in Europe and its biggest climate killer!) The whole forest will get cut for the coal-mine if we don't defend it. The forest was 5.500 ha once, and now there is less than 1000 left.

The activists call for a big re-occupiation at the 26. of april. More information as they came.


More information: http://hambachforest.blogsport.de/