Catalonia: Wave of Sabotage Against High Tension Lines

July 18th, 2014 – In light of the news of the moving forward of the Very High Tension Line (la línea de muy alta tensión or MAT), we want to make public:

On Tuesday, July 1st, an all-terrain vehicle in the service of Tensalm, a company subcontracted by the Spain Electrical Network (REE), was burned, destroyed by the flames in the night within a  Sarrià de Ter hotel in the Girona province.

We claim all the actions detailed below, a year after we began our work. All the actions have been systematically silenced by the communication media and for this reason we want to make public that, in denial of the lastest news from the daily El Punt, we have caused months of delay to the work and thousands of euros of damages and losses to REE.

At the margin of the assemblies and collectives that have carried out a struggle against the construction of the MAT, a multitude of activists from the region and foreigners, we have carried out a fight based on direct action.

We vindicate sabotage as a fundamental part of the fight against the imposition, the infrastructure that sustains the system, and all the social, laboral and economic mechanisms of capitalism.

The whole world is capable of carrying out sabotage, a tool that has belonged to the oppressed class for a long time. It can be as simple as unscrewing the bolts of any tower, and we encourage everyone who is against to act in the way they see as most fitting.

We publish this list of actions in order to incite sabotage, to give ideas, and to bring to light what they didn’t want to be known.

June 2013:
– 2 excavators sabotaged
-All-terrain vehicle of the ROTELLA company has tires slashed and radiators broken.
– Removal of stakes marking the towers.

August 2013:
– 2 excavators sabotaged
– 1 excavator destroyed
– Blocking of the trails with barricades

September – November 2013:
– 5 excavators and machines sabotaged
– 12 all-terrain vehicles of GAROC and ROTELLA companies sabotaged
– Blocking of trails with barricades and spikes

December 2013:
– Attack on the representatives of REE and their cars

January 2014:
– Attacks on GAROC excavators

February – April 2014:
– Guide cords for running cables repeatedly cut
– Multiple unboltings of the bases of the MAT towers
– Attack on the security guards of EULEN company, and broken windows.

May 2014:
– Cords cut
– Destruction of 2 generators
– 2 all-terrain vehicles of REE sabotaged
– Sabotage of support structures
– Several unboltings of the towers

June – July 2014:
– All-terrain vehicles sabotaged and burned!

This is an incomplete list since it is impossible to know all the actions that have been carried out, or who has done them. The bolts will be sent to the press, in order to put pressure for the publication of this manifesto.

No MAT, no TAV, no nuclear and no to the system that sustains them!

More information about resistance to the MAT can be found at


from contrainfo, translated by waronsociety