fossil fool AGM season

Community Resistance to Extreme Energy: Standing in Solidarity with Frontline Communities

on 15th April, Wednesday,

6-9pm, A meeting at the Human Rights Consortium, UCL, Room 349, Senate House, Malet Street, London, WC1E 7HU. Rising Tide UK join with Co-Resist, UK Tar Sands Network and the Human Rights Consortium’s Extreme Energy Initiative for this storytelling event with speakers from communities on the frontline of the Alberta Tar Sands & Gulf Coast Rising – providing a space to hear and reflect upon these important stories, as well as giving a general overview of BP’s extreme energy projects one day before the BP AGM as BP continues to trash the planet and push us further to the edge of climate catastrophe.

BP AGM protest
on 16th April, Thursday,10am
, ExCel Centre, above Custom House DLR Station, Royal Victoria Dock, London E16.
Join with many other activists days before the Deepwater Horizon anniversary, including those from the Gulf Coast communities, to demonstrate around the BP AGM where Share Action have tabled a resolution. Shareholders will be attending the 11.30am Meeting.

DRAX AGM/DECC Biofool Protest
on 22nd April, Wednesday,
, at the Drax AGM, the Grocer’s Hall, Princes St, EC2R 8AD, (down the left hand side of Bank of England). Join London Rising Tide helping their friends at Biofuelwatch with a lively protest to expose and oppose burning biomass and coal. Then….

At 1.00pm we will decamp to DECC (off Whitehall) with as many banners as we can to demand DECC stop subsidising burning trees and coal in the name of renewable energy and carbon saving.
#AXEDRAX Drax Power Station has led the way for the industry: lobbying; greenwashing; converting and building the necessary infrastructure; and clearcutting hugely biodiverse native forests in the southern US and Canada. Drax exemplifies much that is wrong with UK energy policy and “renewable” energy subsidies. So we are joining with coal and energy campaigners to tell DECC to #AXEDRAX now and for us to rethink the way that we do energy, moving beyond burning uniting Climate, Coal and Biomass campaigners with others who believe that this energy policy is stupid and unjust.
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