Activist Mediation Network Launched!!!!!

Want to learn mediation skills?
Interested in helping support activist groups engage with internal disagreements and conflict, to make them more effective?
Want to tackle conflicts in your personal life that interfere with your activism?

Want to learn mediation skills?
Interested in helping support activist groups engage with internal disagreements and conflict, to make them more effective?
Want to tackle conflicts in your personal life that interfere with your activism?

Our launch events will be training days:

Northern Launch –
Leeds on 10th March 2007, from 11am – 5pm

Southern Launch
– London on 17 March 2007, from 11am – 5pm.

The aims of these days are:

To train people in conflict resolution skills that they can use in their own lives and activist work
For people interested in volunteering with us to receive training and to meet with us to discuss taking it further.

If you have a specific conflict or situation that you would like to discuss with us, then please get in contact and we’ll see if we can help.

Activist Mediation to the rescue! (not really!)

Details of the training days:

Booking essential: Please email activistmediation [at] aktivix [dot] org
Cost: We are asking for a £10 donation to fund expenses and help set up a travel fund to help with our mediation work. If money would prevent you from attending, then get in touch.
Creche: We are not providing creche facilities, but if childcare issues are preventing you attending, please get in touch and we’ll try and sort something out.
Access: Both venues are wheelchair accessible, and have accessible toilets. For other access needs, please contact us.
Lunch: Not provided. Please bring your own.
Transport and Accommodation: Get in touch if you have any issues or can offer a lift.

For further information have a look at our website
or telephone us on 0845 223 5254, and get in touch.


For the last few years we have both been involved in mainstream mediation, and using these skills at various activist camps and situations (Climate Camp, Earth First!, Radical Routes, Trident Ploughshares). We have also been asked to work with other activist groups to help them resolve internal conflicts. There is obviously a need for this work to be done on an ongoing basis, and so we have decided to set up an activist mediation network. The aim is not for us to solve conflicts, but to skill share and offer impartial mediators in order to help groups and individuals resolve their own conflicts.