70 stop old growth logging in 3 East Gippsland Coupes

Today 70 conservationists stopped logging in three coupes in East Gippsland, Victoria. The protest is in response to unfilled election promises to protect old growth forests made by the Bracks/Brumby government over a year ago. Four have attached themselves to machinery halting clear-felling operations.

Today 70 conservationists stopped logging in three coupes in East Gippsland, Victoria. The protest is in response to unfilled election promises to protect old growth forests made by the Bracks/Brumby government over a year ago. Four have attached themselves to machinery halting clear-felling operations.

Activists stopped operations in Black Cuttings, Aspen Battery Track and Goongarah Catchment. Currently two people are locked on to machinary in both Aspen Battery Track and Black Cuttings. Other activists are black wallerbying (running around) the coupes avoiding Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) officers. 20 people were asked to leave Goongarah Catchment and complied with that direction, avoiding arrest.

“We are here today to hold politicians to account to fulfil election promises. It is outrageous that the Bracks/Brumby government have not yet put these areas into reserves. Brumby needs to act now and solves this issue.” said Mark Tylor spokespersons for the group.

Only two percent of Victoria’s old growth forests remains. These critically important areas are home to many endangered species, including sooty owl, powerful owl and long footed potoroo.

“Forestry causes a significant proportion of Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions. If Labor is serious about taking real action to prevent dangerous climate change they must commit to ending logging of high conservation forests now.”

“The government needs to stop pandering to the multinational woodchip industry, and have the courage to do what the science tells us is necessary to protect the future survival of all Australians and the planet” concluded James Ludd.